Q & A Tag with Bloggers



The Q & A Tag on the Train














I want to thank Sherrie’s Always Write for including me in the Q&A Tag. The rules are:

  • Tag the Blogger(s) who have nominated you

  • Answer the questions you were given

  • Nominate 10 bloggers

  • Write out your 10 questions

  • Let them know they’ve been tagged.





  1. Who is your hero? Christ. I can’t think of another person, honestly.

  2. How many siblings do you have? Three older knucklehead brothers. I happen to be the youngest knucklehead.

  3. What’s the best book you’ve read in 2016? Tough one. Probably a tie between two books, Cress by Marissa Meyer and Storming by K.M. Weiland. But if I had to pick one, Cress.

  4. Do you shower in the morning or night? Both. Sometimes I alternate. I’m quirky like that.

  5. What’s the best book on “Writing” you’ve ever read? Ack! That’s another tough one. I think it would have to be The Writing Process by Anne Janzer.

  6. Blue or Gold (dress reference from the internet)? Blue all day long.

  7. American Idol or The Voice? NO BRAINER! THE VOICE ALL THE WAY BABY! I’ve actually never seen American Idol.

  8. How much money is too much to spend on a date? Oh boy. Not sure about this one. Can I plead the fifth? If the person is worth it and you’re serious, spend it! But not beyond reason. Whatever dollar sign that may be is beyond me.

  9. Would you like to make your living writing? Absolutely! Everyday I’d much rather be writing something for a living.

  10. Superman or Batman? Batman. No offense, Clark Kent. It’s just that Batman is so cool and has lots of cool gadgets. Gotham is also one of my favorite settings in the comic world.




My 10 questions to nominated bloggers below:



  1. Who is your favorite actor?

  2. If you could tour the world where would you go first?

  3. You have one wish, what would you do with it?

  4. Your favorite fiction book of 2016?

  5. Your favorite non-fiction book of 2016 ?

  6. Who would you pick to be your personal body guard?

  7. If you had to marry a fictional character who would it be?

  8. If you could go back in time what would you do?

  9. You’re in prison serving a life sentence with one choice for a book. Which one do you choose?

  10. If there were one fictional world to replace this one which one would you pick?





I nominate:

Literary Dust

The Page Turner

Kristina Stanley


The Jumping Bean

Plottinger Twist


K.T. Ivanrest

Of Bleeding Pens & Pages

Lorraine Ambers










Benjamin Thomas




4 thoughts on “Q & A Tag with Bloggers

  1. I’m also Blue, Batman, and The Voice. I knew we were kindred spirits! Love your questions Benjamin. I also love the twist on your “Stranded on an island with 1 book” question. But, prison? Bahaha.

    Liked by 1 person

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