Top Tips on Self-Publishing with Joanna Penn and Mark Dawson




Television tues Feb 26





Top Tips on Self-Publishing with Joanna Penn and Mark Dawson





What are you top tips on Self-publishing? Tell us in the comments!




Benjamin Thomas






MTW Main banner April 2018

Author Interview with YA Fantasy writer Jenna Morland

Revived Jenna Morland




“A fast-paced, mystical adventure mixed with heartbreak and hope that will keep you turning the page well into the night.”

Brenda Drake, New York Times bestselling author




Swayzi is dying, there isn’t a specialist anywhere who can tell her why. Deemed a “medical anomaly” and given only two months to live, she is destined to live out the rest of her short life in the small town of Rowan, Alaska. That all changes when Swayzi bumps into Daylan, a handsome stranger only she can see. Around this new mysterious arrival, Swayzi feels healthier than she has in years, an improvement not lost on Tyler, her best friend and the boy next door. With Tyler and Daylan both vying for her heart, Swayzi struggles between what is familiar and the magnificent unknown world Daylan represents. But what Swayzi doesn’t know is that with her growing strength comes a new destiny, one that could force her to leave those she loves behind.





Interview image Jenna Morland






*Who were your main influences in the genre?
Influences… definitely JK Rowling. She’s a huge reason why my imagination thrived at a young age. Stephanie Meyer for sure, she showed me that there is a place for romance in fantasy. John Green, he’s given me many tears and I love that. When a book can affect you to the point of crying—like your life will never be the same again. That’s what I strive for.
*What made you want to be a writer?
I never considered myself a writer. As a kid, I never had a diary, and I dreaded English class. Not once did I dream I would one day write a book. Until I did. It was winter. The nights were long, and I was fighting a hint of postpartum depression. Really, all I wanted to do was cry… a lot. Instead, every night, once the kids were in bed, I wrote. As women, we are taught to always give, and never told to take time for ourselves. So, I stopped thinking what kind of mother I should be and started thinking of what kind of person I wanted to be. By taking the time and letting my creativity loose, I not only healed myself, I discovered a part of myself I never even knew I was missing. When the time came to make a decision on pursuing publication, I doubted my ability. I never studied writing. How could I be a writer? “By writing,” the answer came. And in the end that’s how simple it was. In writing Revived, I didn’t work from any preconceived notions of what novel should be. I simply wrote a book I wanted to read.











Write Jenna Morland







*Is Revived your first book?

Yes, Revived is my first novel.
*Why do you write YA Fantasy?
I love YA. There’s a certain innocence to it that attracts me. Falling in love for the first time, discovering who you are, the start of the rest. I enjoy writing fantasy because I love the freedom. There are no rules. No one can say, “that’s not right”, or, “it’s supposed to be like this”.



*How do feel about writing your first book?

I feel… satisfied. In the beginning this book was just something to keep me busy. It turned into so much more than that. I fell in love with writing and creating this world and these amazing characters. Now, I can’t imagine my life without it. It was 2 years ago this month that I began writing Revived. There has been a lot of sacrifice, rejection, and hard work to get to this point but I wouldn’t change a thing. I just finished my second round of editing which means I’m so close to seeing it in print and no other word describes how I feel better than satisfied.






*How do you personally benefit from writing?

Writing is a distraction, an outlet to channel my imagination and creativity. Writing has seen me at my worst, and at my best. There’s no judgement or expectation and I thrive when I’m in that safe place. Some days I question my sanity, I created these characters from scratch and now I speak about them as if they’re real. Nothing like a little crazy to keep things interesting! But mostly, I write because I love it.







Joy Jenna Morland






*Have you ever cried while writing?

Yes I have. I’m a very emotional person so there are many different reasons I’ve cried while writing. A song from my writing playlist that fits perfectly with a scene can make me tear up. Out of frustration—this happens more than I like to admit. I’m so attached to these characters that killing one of them is absolutely gut wrenching and cry-worthy for sure.





teardrop Jenna Morland





*What is the Imagination to you?

The imagination to me is the ability to step outside of yourself, to challenge the rules society has demanded we follow and embrace our creative side. The imagination allows us to be free. It gives us the ability to dream.




The imagination allows us to be free. It gives us the ability to dream. –Jenna Morland





*Tell us about who Swayzi is.

Swayzi is someone you’ll root for, she’s relatable, loveable, and so unaware of how amazing she is. When you first meet her, she’s in an impossible situation. She has been given 2 months to live and a huge part of her wants to give up. You start with her at her absolute lowest and follow her on a journey of discovering her self-worth. She finds love, experiences betrayal and heartbreak, but the most important and defining part of the book, well—you’ll have to read it to find out!




*What does she want the most?

Swayzi loves her family more than anything and would do anything to protect them. I would say their safety is her first priority. Beyond that, what she wants most is to shed all the insecurities, and doubt, and embrace her fate on her terms.




courage Jenna Morland





*Who are Daylan and Tyler?

Tyler is and always will be my favourite character to write. He is without a doubt the heart of this story. A quote from the book describes him best: “Tyler was glaringly human. He would hold my hand during the scary parts of a horror movie, not for me, but for him. He felt pain, I could see it written all over his face when I was sick. He was constantly digging himself a hole, never saying the right thing at the right time. He was simply imperfect, flawed even, but that’s what made him—him.”

Daylan is quite the opposite of Tyler. He is eloquent and knows exactly who he is and what he wants. He is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome and of course, very mysterious. Daylan has answers to questions Swayzi didn’t even know she had. Tyler may be the heart of this story, but Daylan drives it.




*When is the publication date for Revived?

Publication date is not official yet but it will be August or September. There’s a ton happening behind the scenes right now, cover design, release date, and some exciting extras that will be announced very soon. Keep an eye on my social media!





Thanks Jenna!!




Jenna Morland image works





Jenna Morland is the author of Revived published by Oftomes Publishing, set to release in 2018. Jenna is a Canadian born author, song writer, and mother of two that lives under the Northern Lights. Slytherin to the core, Jenna’s ambition to write her debut novel happened somewhere between training for a triathlon and putting her kids to bed. But it was her determination to follow through that landed her a publishing deal. Growing up, her wild imagination thrived off of reading and her most desired hobby was to let a book completely consume her. Unlike most writers, Jenna never wrote in a diary. She dreaded English class and she never dreamt that one day she would write a novel. Until she did.




Jenna Morland




How to Get Reviews with Author Mark Dawson




TV collage image





How to Get Reviews with Author Mark Dawson






Has this helped you? Tell us in the comments!!


Benjamin Thomas





MTW Main banner April 2018

How To Write Emotion And Depth Of Character With Becca Puglisi




TT image with kid




How To Write Emotion And Depth Of Character With Becca Puglisi




How do you write emotion in your stories? Tell us in the comments!


Benjamin Thomas





Interview with Jesikah Sundin Author of The Biodome Chronicles


Legacy Banner



Please welcome Science Fiction & Fantasy author Jesikah Sundin




Jesikah Sundin, Author profile



Jesikah Sundin is multi-award winning a sci-fi/fantasy writer mom of three nerdlets and devoted wife to a gamer geek. In addition to her family, she shares her home in Monroe, Washington with a red-footed tortoise and a collection of seatbelt purses. She is addicted to coffee, laughing, and Dr. Martens boots and shoes … Oh! And the forest is her happy place.

Other Interesting tidbits:

Jesikah owns Forest Tales Photography, and boasts a varied background in business administration and marketing, though her heart has always belonged to the arts and sciences. In college, she pursued a degree in geophysics and oceanography. And, as a teenager, she attended a performing arts school for musical theater and opera, performing in several theater productions, while also serving as editor-in-chief of her high school’s newspaper. She is married for over twenty years to her high school sweetheart and raising three awesomely geeky children. When not writing, she’s often found in her garden, hiking, gaming, baking, fangirling over all things Star Wars and Firefly, or attending various conventions in cosplay, notably Comicon and FaerieCon.






Interview Microphone Cord Wire Word Radio Podcast Discussion




Were there any real life inspirations behind your writing?


I’m not sure if you mean “writing” as fellow writers who have inspired me or “writing” as in the stories I write. But, thankfully, the answer for both angles is similar.I read pretty much everything, from westerns to poetry to crime thrillers to the classics to everything in-between. Though, my main book diet is young adult science fiction and fantasy. My brain is author and story alphabet soup at this point. I’ve also lived in two vastly different states, in three vastly different geographical areas, and traveled all over North and parts of South America. These experiences make a great marinade for the imagination.  Additionally, I spent my formative years immersed in the liberal arts (dance, opera, theater, competition choir) while studying for a degree in science (geophysics, oceanography, and ethnoscience). The combination? Weird, genre-mash-up stories, that blend the arts and sciences, and explore people, culture, geographies, and their relationship with the environments they find themselves in.   




Science fiction Biodome




Tell us about the process of turning your book into an audiobook.

Well, it was all rather simple. Sunny did all the hard work and I got to enjoy the fruits of his labor with commentary. Usually I’d see a notice in my inbox that another chapter was ready for review. I’d squeal, plunk myself down in a comfortable spot, pull my book up, read along as I listened to the narration, and take notes of any discrepancies I found, or feedback on how I’d prefer something to be said (emotional notes). That’s pretty much it. A fun process on my end!






Audiobook image Biodome






Was a possible audiobook recording something you were conscious of while writing?

Ha! No, actually. Never even crossed my mind. LEGACY was originally published in January 2014. It wasn’t until last year that I even considered an audiobook and only because I had so many potential readers comment on social media that they wished my book were in audio format. Anything for my readers 😉




Idea Biodome





How did you select your narrator?

It was an involved process that included far too many cups of coffee, sacrifices to the Audible gods, and sleepless night wondering if I’d ever find The One. And then I did, which was rather miraculous, as finding The One usually is. I honestly didn’t think I’d contract a voice actor because of the language difficulties narrating LEGACY would present (American and British English, Latin, French, and Japanese) and different point-of-view writing styles (cyberpunk and classical fantasy style). I’m pretty sure I cried oceans of grateful tears when Sunny sent in an audition.  




narrator biodome





Is there a particular part of this story that you feel is more resonating in the audiobook performance than in the book format?


Oh, the languages and dialects for sure. Sunny Patel’s lovely British accent breathed life into my New Eden Township characters. But I was floored when the written French and Japanese became real. I sort of melt into a puddle whenever I hear him speak Leaf and Oaklee’s lines in French or Fillion’s Japanese dialogue.




Japanese Biodome





Legacy: The Biodome Chronicles




Legacy Biodome image audio




Character Profiles




One silver biodome







Fillion Nichols (born in Dublin, Ireland and raised in Seattle, Washington state) is a hacker in the Anime Tech Movement’s computer underground, even though he is part of the Corporate Elite. At age 17, he is fluent in Japanese, can hack most Smart devices, websites (including government sites), and holographic computer technology. He also writes encryption software algorithms, same as his life-long best friend, Mack. Fillion works the communications night shift at New Eden Enterprises for New Eden Biospherics & Research, the companies responsible for the experiment at New Eden Township.


At age 20, he’ll come into trust majority of a large legal Legacy, an inheritance he resents. But, as he states, it never matters what he wants. Ever. Fillion sees himself no different than a drone, something programmable. Something his father owns to manipulate and use at will. A fate he fears he’ll never escape.


His sister Lynden is 11 months younger than him. The media scrutinizes his every move. When he had attended Academy, he was bullied regularly. For this reason, Mack and Lynden are the only two people Fillion trusts.


He is known for his quick wit and sarcastic humor, analytical/philosophical thinking, rambling thoughts, deep emotions and convictions, guitar playing, and his fondness for whiskey and cigarettes.





two silver biodome







Willow Oak Watson, lovingly referred to as Oaklee by her father or the Daughter of Earth by the community, is nearly 16 years old when the story opens. She was born inside New Eden Township (Salton Sea, California), much the same as others from the second generation. At age 8, she apprenticed with Mistress Katie, the head village spinner and weaver, and became a master spinner and seamstress at age 14.


Her fingers prefer to stay busy, even if to twirl strands of hair when her hands are not otherwise occupied. Quite often, she perches high above her community in the branches of her beloved willow oak tree, humming a merry tune while pondering the world around her. When grieved by offense, she feels the injustice whipping inside of her with gale force winds, earning her the family nickname Hurricane Willow.


Her father, Joel Watson, was the Earth Element, one of four head Nobility positions within New Eden Township. Her mother, Claire Johnston, died from childbed fever when she was 8 years old. Willow has an older brother named Leaf (age 19) and a younger sister named Laurel (age 8).


Willow is best known for her atmospheric personality, poetic tendencies, quick wit, deep and thoughtful emotions, empathy, and her connection to nature.




three biodome








Leaf Watson, titled the Son of Earth, was the first child born within the walls of New Eden Township. He is the eldest child in the Earth Element house at age 19 and among the oldest members of the second generation. Since a small boy, he has found great pleasure in watching living things grow and flourish. Unlike most from Nobility, he was pushed through a rigorous education, which included additional studies under the tutelage of the village Barrister.


Since age 15, Leaf has acted as First Representative for his father, Joel Watson, who was a head Noble inside New Eden Township. But an unthinkable situation changes everything. An invisible crown of power is bequeathed to Leaf as his father takes his final breaths. This family secret propels Leaf into a position that not only threatens his home but also his way of life. To Leaf, each day seems to unearth new secrets and present new challenges, an overwhelming situation, especially as he is now the legal guardian for his sisters, Willow Oak (age 15) and Laurel (age 8).


Leaf is known for his kind, steadfast, and astute personality, as well as his honorable and gentlemanly demeanor. He is reserved and dutiful, sometimes to the point of self-sacrifice. Although a peace-maker by nature, he would be willing to wage war in order to protect his family.






Legacy Teaser



About the Audiobook

Author: Jesikah Sundin

Narrator: Sunil Patel

Length: 12 hours 30 minutes

Publisher: Forest Tales Publishing⎮2017

Genre: Science Fiction

Series: The Biodome Chronicles, Book 1

Release date: Dec. 11, 2017


She is from the past, locked inside a world within a world.

He is from the future, haunted by her death.


A sensible young nobleman and his fiery sister live in an experimental medieval village. Sealed inside this biodome since infancy, Leaf and Willow have been groomed by The Code to build a sustainable world, one devoid of Outsider interference. One that believes death will give way to life.

All is ideal until their father bequeaths a family secret with his dying breath, placing an invisible crown of power on Leaf’s head. Now everyone in their quiet town is suspect. Risking banishment, the siblings search for clues, leading them to Fillion Nichols, an Outsider with a shocking connection to their family. Their encounter launches Fillion into battle with his turbulent past as he rushes to decode the many secrets that bind their future together–a necessity if they are all to survive.

Cultures clash in an unforgettable quest for truth, unfolding a story rich in mystery, betrayal, and love.


Are you ready to discover what is real?

Buy Links

Buy on AmazonAudibleiTunes






Why You Haven’t Written Your Book Yet




TV Television Tuesday





Why You Haven’t Written Your Book Yet | Collab with ThisIsKaila




Very helpful advice! Drop a line in the comments!

Benjamin Thomas
