Book Hoarders Bucket List Challenge




Hoarding Boxes Piled Up Word Collection Mess Trash









If you answered yes to either of these questions you may be suffering from CBH, compusive book hoardom. That’s when your ‘to be read’ list far exceeds the books you’ve actually read. Go ahead and admit it. Let’s say it together, ready? I’m a compulsive book hoarder. Good, again. I’m a compulsive book hoarder. Maybe you’re not a book hoarder and perhaps you just enjoy a challenge. Or you’d like to reduce the amount of books in your TBR pile. Well, we’ve got a challenge for you!




“When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out.” -David L. Weatherford 










A fellow blogger, book enthusiast, Sally Allen and I were discussing reducing our TBR piles and actually reading the books that we own. We came up with a great solution. A strategy. Challenge. Fun competition.


I have so many books lined up I could literally read for an entire year without buying or adding another title. To make it worse I keep adding MORE books to the insurmountable mountain that I’ve built. Yikes!!

Are you like this? Am I the only one? We need to systematically target all of the juicy books on our digital and actual bookshelves! We need to go in guns blazing and take out those books mocking you on the shelf. That’s right, no more Mr. nice guy. I’d like you to meet our new mascot.


Allow me to introduce….








action man








  • Choose the number of books you’d like to read per month
  • Pair up with one other person
  • Determine how many books you’ll add to your TBR list per month
  • Determine a mutually agreed upon prize for the winner.




Group 1

Person A reads 16 books/month

Person B reads 8 books/month 

Persons A & B  cannot add more than 10% of books determined to be read. So Person A can only add 2 books to read to his TBR pile a month. That’s the threshold multiplied by the total of determined books to be read. Or 10% x (Books to read) = Allowable amount to add to TBR/month. Person A’s allowable amount would turn out to be 1.6/books to add per month.  0.1 x 16= 1.6 rounded up to 2. If the number is only below a .05% then you cannot round up.

Person B cannot add more than 10% of books determined to be read. So person B can only add 1 book per month to his TBR pile. The math would be 10% x 8= .80 or 1 book per month. We get 0.80 as the answer but you can’t add 0.8 of a book, so we round it up to 1. Make sense?



  • The more books you read, the more books you get to add to your TBR.
  • The less books you read, less books you get to add to your TBR.




If you read 25 books/month = add 2.5 or 3 book/month

If you read 35 books/month = add 3.5 or 4 books/month


*It is recommended that you keep the threshold percentage low in order to reduce your ‘to be read’ pile and unread books.*





  • If either party fails to read the determined amount of books loses.
  • If either party exceeds the maximum threshold is automatic failure.
  • If you are the losing party you must submit a mutually agreed upon and predetermined prize to the winner.
  • If both parties read all books and remain within the threshold then it is declared a tie, unless one party tallies more points.
  • If both parties fail to meet the mutually agreed upon requirements then no books are to be added to either TBR list for the next month.




Point System:


  • No points will be allotted for the total number of books read per month.
  • Points will be added if you complete the predetermined number of books to be read in one month.
  • Points will be added if you remain within the threshold percentage.
  • Points will be added for the percentage of reviews posted according to the predetermined amount of books in one month.





  • 100 points for reading all of the predetermined amount of books/month.
  • 50 points for remaining within the maximum percentage threshold/month.
  • 100 points if 100% of books are reviewed in one month.
  • 75 points if amount of books reviewed falls within 75%-99%  in one month.
  • 50 points if amount of books reviewed falls within 50%-74%  in one month.
  • 25 points if amount of books reviewed falls within 25%-49%  in one month.
  • 0 points if amount of books reviewed is less than 25% in one month.






  • It is suggested that prizes be rewarded among two persons at a time.
  • Prizes must be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
  • It is suggested that prizes be books or bookish in nature.
  • Prizes must be rewarded at the end of the month.
  • Prizes may be a reward to the winner with a book from the winners wish list.


















Let me know in the comments if you’re interested in participating!  Also if you write about the challenge on your blog please leave a link in the comments. I would love to hear from you!






Don’t miss out on the inaugural powerhouse event of 2017!!

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Benjamin Thomas


42 thoughts on “Book Hoarders Bucket List Challenge

  1. Great idea! Funny you should mention this because I was just looking at my kindle and wondering when I would read everything in there. I also decided to cut the fat, so to speak, and get rid of the books I’ve already read, and the ones I know I never will… LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too! Sally and I were just having this conversation yesterday. I have SO MANY greats books I haven’t read yet that are suffering all because I’ve too busy adding the next great book. Therefore the reason for the Book Hoarders Bucket list Challenge! Yippee!!


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